Make your own X-COBU button


All were baptized into Stewart Traill. In every sense of the word: his teaching, his concepts, his view on life, his skepticism of other Christians. Go and learn what this meansĀ.

Blessed is he and blessed is she who is able to get free from the grip of Stewart Traill and the Church of Bible Understanding, and those who are able to overcome his lies and curses will have a great reward.

The Red Badge of: "Get Smart Get Saved"

What would be a good name for COBU and Stewart Traill to wear on a button?

On this page we will discuss a little about the button. In "The Forever Family" which was later renamed: "The Church of Bible Understanding" we were known by wearing a bold, three and a half inch, round, red button that said on four lines the words: "Get Smart Get Saved" in big white letters.

The big, red, shinny, button, with the bold, provoking words, was also a way to unify those in our group. It could also be used by those who wanted to avoid any confrontations with us, if any saw us coming toward them, as we had become known as "those who argued and challenged" any in our path with their need for Salvation. Many times we would go to the shopping malls to meet people and tell them about "their need to get saved." When you see several groups of young people, who are all wearing these bold, red, shinny buttons, it makes a loud statement.

This was part of Stewart Trail's use of advertising for witnessing and making Jesus known. Getting all of us to wear a bright red button with a provoking phrase was one way for even the most timid among us to be "in your face" to anyone who was near enough to read it.

The phrase alone is offensive, snotty, arrogant, and elitist. The button was saying: "I'm smart and you're not" "I have something on you and therefore I'm smart" "You should Get saved, and then you'll be smart like me" "Those who don't Get saved are not smart" "Don't you want to be smart?" "If you get saved, you'll be smart!" "You should Get smart like I am" "You don't want to be dumb, do ya?" "Getting Saved is smart" etc. It was basically a put down to anyone who didn't have a button. Some people were very put off by our audacity to proclaim on a bold, red button the "I'm smart and if you don't do what I'm doing than you're dumb!"

Yet it turns out, that Stewart Traill wasn't that smart after all.

The disease of disbelief, scorn and his consistant use of mockery and the belittling of others, was a flagrant misuse of his claim to Christian leadership.

His flock, who follow after him, also suffer from the same disease of being condescending and "acting superior" when in reality were little more than tyrannical.

Stewart Traill showed through his behavior towards those in his charge, that he was no follower after Christ.

Many of the things that he valued proved that he is a disbeliever. Misleading many young people away from their families. He compelled everyone under him to earn money that he alone had the sole discretion to use as he pleased; when the scripture counsels that: "the laborer deserves his own wages" is only one of the many flagrant false teachings of Stewart Traill.

He proved to be a conman and a theif, who did not put to death the desires of his own flesh, as the scripture counsels, but who openly demonstrated his love of money and was one who passed off his lustful passions as "God's blessings" while he pushed everyone else to hard labor that he was and is the sole beneficiary of.

He currently lives in a mansion and is the only pilot of several aircraft, purchased by the funds earned by his supporters, while many of them have lived in abject poverty, in dangerous neighborhoods, and were expected to count everything he said as "the unquestionable truth" as he proved to be a liar and a false teacher.

The button was "earned" by memorizing 12 Salvation verses in the Gospel of John. These verses are all listed on our page titled: "Cobu Dictionary" under the letter "T" for "The 12 Salvation Verses"

Stewart Traill made his button with a black background and with raised white plastic letters glued on it. One brother came up with a list of what "black button's" he thought Stewart Traill alone could also wear, that would more accurately depict the things that his openly unscrupulous behaviors demonstrated and could actually be seen to stand for. While in Cobu everyone wore the red buttons, which is also the color of a "Stop Sign." We began to identify our "Free from the Grip of Stewart Traill and Cobu" with the color green, as in, "We're going to leave the grip of Stewart Traill's cult and "GO" straight to God and be filled with the Grace of God, as he promised to fill us with all good things: like a good shepherd leads his flock in the lush "GREEN" grass and leads them beside all the clean, clear: Living Water, the name of our prayer ministry ~ so very refreshing!"

On this page we just list ideas for buttons without distinction. This list is not exhaustive in any stretch. Originally, we came up with quick, short, succinct sayings, like the original Cobu button had, yet as we continued to "brain-storm" ideas, we found that we came up with "more wordy" yet "thought provoking" things to also consider. So, although this exercise began as comprehensive ideas that could "fit on a button" we also include other, not so short, yet equally provoking points to ponder.

Our entire website includes extensive lists to consider for the purpose of "freeing some" from the grip of Stewart Traill and the grip that his "church" has over the minds and lives of many who at some point were subjected to the oppressions of Stewart Traill.

If arriving at this goal is made possible by a short, concise "hit on a truth" that may open eyes or if a longer and more detailed description can make an issue apparent to someone, who before reading it was unaware of a grip that isn't by any stretch of the imagination "godly behavior" we therefore present both the short and the long, even if the long expressions wouldn't fit well on a button at all, even in tiny print!

Stewart Traill is the type of person who it is NOT smart to follow after, nor to subject oneself to, this is something that we hope to make abundantly clear.

Although, there are some who've left the group for many years and yet are still compelled to boldly wear this bright red, "Get Smart Get Saved" button, and bring "the witness" that they learned in their youth to the streets. These are the same ones who claim that they've "moved on" yet their need to cling to the values of their youth and "their glory days" still seems to continue to be prevalent in their current witness. Did they really 'move on" or did they just "move out" and have continued in the same condescending and elitist proselytizing that we were known to extend in the name of "witnessing" of the blessings of Jesus, when Cobu hardly reflected any blessings at all and many who've left still cherish the things that were hammered into us when we sat under Stewart Traill.

The Lord Our God counseled us to "proclaim from the housetops" as many of the counter-scripture and counter-Christian and unGodly thoughts, behaviors, expressions, and habits that we could remember or that others have shared with us, for the purpose of "rooting out the bitterness" and exposing the false teachings that we once revered and that some continue to "sponser" by their advertising of the things: "like a red button" and behaviors: "like strongarming the unsaved" to say a prayer that does not bring any blessing, but instead brings more into the same UnChristian and polluted belief system, that did and may still make many lives unfulfilled, unhappy, and was unable to reflect the true nature of our Savior then and may not reflect the true nature of our Savior today, because what was taught and what we learned was false religion.

It is our hope that in exposing as many of these "grips" that took hold of all of our lives while we sat under the false teacher: Stewart Tanner Traill, that some could recognize that the "voices" of our youth, with their condemning and oppressive demands would be seen for what they truly are: the works of the flesh that a conman sold to a bunch of kids because he wanted them to become his personal slaves and he used many "workovers" to convince us that "to serve his mini-kingdom" was to serve God.

How can you take out of your ear the false teachings that you came to trust as "godliness" when it was little more than the ravings of a tyrant?

We asked this same question and God in his great mercy answered our plea.

We asked ourselves the tough questions, like: "If Stewart Traill was a false teacher, than what did that make me?"

In confronting this predicament of having been completely mislead and taught to conduct ourselves very haughtily, very arrogantly, very pridefully, very superioristically, etc. as Stewart Traill portrayed before all of us and taught us to be, the Lord our God granted us the wisdom we sought from him. He counseled us with very tangible and able to be understood ways of escaping and to be freed from the grip of the false teachings and off-putting and unChristian entanglements that seemed to adhere to our minds, hearts, and our very souls.

These counsels he asked us to extend to you, who may be as we were: in the grip of one who we trusted was a man of God, when he really was a conman who's voice still may ring strong in the hearts, minds and souls of many who trusted him.

One of the many counsels we received, when we sought God about our own dilema of having submitted ourselves to one who mislead us, was to not be afraid to look at and identify the many ways that we were misled. We were taught how to lift up these "wrong beliefs" and "counter-Christian behaviors" that seemed to be part of the fabric of our beings, and actually become freed from their power over us.

This website is an act of our obedience to exposing the darkness that we once thought was "righteousness" and becoming cleansed from all the residual influences that Stewart Traill and Cobu continued to have over us after we had left the group.

If while reading our website, you too recognize that you continue to have more cobu-like behaviors than you would like to have and you would like us to pray for you or with you, please send us an email at our: and let us know if you would like us to pray for you or with you. We can do this over the phone or meet with you where it would be most comfortable to you.

Here we will list some possible names for buttons that could replace the "Get Smart Get Saved" button that many wore during the years in Stewart Traill's oppressed group of overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated followers.

If you would like to contribute other names for the button, we challenge you to feel free to send them to us at: and we will include them. We appreciate any and all contributions.

Many times while editing, more expressions have come to mind. If this happens for you, while reading our list, please take a moment and jot down your "button idea" that you believe could describe what you saw, thought, heard or felt: whether you were in the group, or had a friend or relative that had been caught up in it.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your own glimpse into this.

Here's our list of 'Names for the Button' that we came up with so far:

Leave the conman.

Get smart get out.

Get smart leave.

Get smart wake up.

Get smart get free from the grip.

Get smart get unshackled.

Get smart stew is a madman.

Get smart get insight.

Get smart escape from COBU.

Get smart ST is not a nice man.

Get smart ST is a crime boss.

Get smart run and find safety.

Get smart get free from slavery.

Get smart get wisdom.

Get smart come to your right mind.

Get smart you will never get married in COBU.

Get smart Stew is a screw up.

Get smart and open your heart to things that won't damage it.

Get smart stop listening to ST the liar.

Get smart kick the COBU habit.

Get smart your mentor is drunk, but not with wine.

Your mentor is drunk with: pride, arrogance, conceit, a haughty spirit, self inflation, self gratification and the like.

You are what you suck up to!

Get smart all were baptized into what matters to Stew! What about you!

Get smart without God there is no blessing.

Get smart COBU has no light.

Get smart Stew is not in the light.

Get smart you have to meet the light to know him!

Get smart Stewart Traill is all about the Benjamins!

At a Cobu meeting you're not allowed to pee!

At a Cobu meeting if you have to go, Traill will mock you and just say "NO!"

Get smart leave this nut house.

Get smart use the brain that God gave you.

Get smart stop supporting COBU.

Get smart Stew missed the genuine article.

Get smart wake up and smell the coffee.

Get smart COBU is a godless society.

Get smart learn how to get free from COBU.

Get smart and open your eyes.

Get smart wake from your stupor.

Get smart Cobu has nothing to do with God.

Get smart and seek the Lord about COBU.

Get smart get a new mind.

Get smart get a new heart.

Get smart learn a new trick.

Get smart and reeducate yourself from Cobu.

Get smart quit making excuses for Stew.

Get smart quit making excuses for sin.

Get smart quit making excuses for wrong doing.

Get smart quit making excuses for transgressions.

Get smart quit making excuses for one who has no morals.

Get smart quit making excuses for base teaching.

Get smart quit making excuses for an abusive leaders.

Get smart you have been taken to the cleaners.

Get smart don't listen to a crazy pastor.

Get smart quit the bondage to the teachings of Traill.

Get smart don't walk in darkness.

Get smart awake from COBU.

Get smart don't sit in the shadow of Stew.

Get smart Stew is a thug.

Get smart Stewart Traill doesn't care about you.

Get smart Traill is a con artist.

Get smart Traill is a confidence theif!

Get smart Stewart is a fraud.

Get smart, after all those years you really thought he cared?

Get smart stop defending this creep.

Get smart Stew is laughing at you.

Get smart come to your senses.

Get smart live your own life!

Get smart break the ties that bind.

Get smart and stop being a victim.

Get smart Traill's a phony.

COBU is a hopeless place.

They check out but they never leave.

Stewart was into us only to deceive.

I left the cult but the damage stings on.

Cult of insanity.

I left the cult, but I kept the pain.

I left the cult, but it won't leave me.

I got out, but it would not go.

Get smart don't go back.

Quit the COBU crazy.

Get sane, leave the cult brain.

Stop playing the blame game Stewart!

We're too busy taking care of all your business!

Quit the madness, quit the cult

Get smart and read the website: free from the grip of Stew!

Get saved get robbed.

Got smart kicked Stew out.

Don't be a dummy Stewart was in it for the money.

Got wise Stewart lies.

Don't be a sheep avoid the creep.

We're just here for Stew, how 'bout you?

Gave years only got this button.

Church of fears it appears.

Marriage? Cobu? Never!

Marriage in Cobu? Daddy said no.

Cobu Daddy? That must be Stew!

Getting married in Cobu? That's just for our daddy Stew!

Only Stew knows how to give "special sister attention"

It's really Stewey who needs all the attention though!

Just leave the making of all the money to the rest of us shmucks!

Taking care of everyones needs is the job Stewart gave to the bros!

Church of disgust

Church of lost soles

Church of stolen hearts

Church of crime

Church of no blessing

Church of hopelessness

The church of come into the dark room.

The church of dirty secrets.

The church of what is done in the dark stays in the dark.

The red badge of fear.

The red badge of no courage.

The red badge of no faith.

The red badge of no grace.

The red badge of no salvation.

The red badge of no hope.

The red badge of no honor.

The red badge of misfortune.

Hey Stew, where's my woman?

Hey Stew, is it just me or have you had two wives and a bunch of half-wives, but the brothers who are paying ALL of your bills can't date, marry or start a family!? What gives!?

What do all those young girls see in you anyway!?

I guess dating grandpa is the new nirvana?

Ya know, "the state where there is neither suffering, desire, nor a sense of self" sounds just like the place Traill would want to keep those pretty young things.

Cobu: Where's the beef?

Cobu: House of the theif!

Stew lied and we cried.

Stew slept and we wept.

The Church that thought that it had it all, but really had nothing, nothing at all.

Don't get caught with a con man.

The church that never got enough.

Cobu: where you could never be married rightly.

Cobu: where Stewart wanted everyone's approval, but extended none!

Cobu: where Stewart flaunted all of his blessings, but was stingy about extending to we who paid for all of his luxuries, with even our most basic needs!

Cobu: where Stewart flies a plane, but we can't even get a new pair of sneakers with the money we earned last week!

Cobu: where even making a comment of being treated poorly was an opportunity for Stewart Traill to accuse us of "wailing"

Cobu: where we told others that our group was "God's best" when our own hearts were weighed down and filled with stress.

Cobu: where getting "permission" to visit our families was rarely ever granted, to adults who worked morning, noon and night, but had barely a dollar to our name and were very poorly dressed.

Cobu: Where Stewart Traill promised us the goodness of Christian Life, yet kept us chewing after a carrot on a string! You could see it! You could smell it! You just couldn't have it, ever!

COBU is a fraud.

COBU is a fake church.

Get smart get out of Dodge.

Get smart get a heart.

Get smart ST has no heart.

Get smart you're not to blame.

So, who was it who held the reigns?

Was Stewart the puppet or the puppeteer?

Why are you hiding behind that curtain, oh great and powerful Oz!?

COBU where you can only get married in disgrace.

Get smart Stew is in the dark.

Church that went amok.

The church where you are never recognized

The church that was not a church at all.

Get smart quit the lying for Stew.

Get smart run for your life.

The church of no god.

The church of disbelief.

Get smart tell the truth.

Get smart find peace.

Get smart seek truth.

Get smart have sense

Get smart end the confusion

Get smart get hope

Get smart get a life.

Get smart find life.

Get smart stop fearing.

Get smart fear not.

Get smart Jesus loves you.

Get smart find hope.

Get smart seek the fine pearl.

Get smart get LIFE.

Get smart Stew has beguiled you.

Stewart is a con man

my pastor is punk bully.

Cobu is s cult.

My pastor is a crook.

My pastor is an abuser.

Keep the church blind.

We forbid marriage.

I was in a cult, so what!

Stew taught us all to be like him: a thug.

Stick em up now, give me all of your money.

If anyone raises an eyebrow, just say, "He's weird. Isn't he being weird Gayle?"

The cult where Stewart said, "He wasn't the issue" yeah, right!

I really need to have loads and loads of money, but hey you, worker dude, here's ten bucks, and oh yeah, just shut up and suck it up, I'm going to take a ride in my plane!

Does anybody else have eyes in their head!?

When will you wake from sleep?

Dump cobu: it's all work and no pay

Dump the punk bully, ya know, Traill

Leave the cult or you'll keep paying forever!

Get Smart dump the thief.

I am your father.

Your glad I missed grace, aren't you?

Lets pretend that this never happened.

My pastor hates marriage.

My pastor took my money

My pastor is a dirty old man.

My pastor has a dirty mind.

My pastor is a womanizer.

My pastor is a gangster.

My pastor is a skirt chaser

My pastor is a dream stealer

My pastor is an empty talker.

My pastor is a wicked man.

My pastor is a confidence man

My pastor is a flimflamer.

My pastor is a flirt.

My pastor is a bilker of the group funds.

My pastor is a dog, no, dogs are loyal.

My pastor got bored with salvation

My pastor is a swindler.

My pastor is a cheat.

My pastor is a cold.

My pastor is a total failure.

COBU The house of no morals

My pastor is a nasty scoundral.

My pastor is hopeless.

My pastor is a worthless person, who likes to make everyone else feel that way.

My pastor is a violent man.

Cult of death

Cult of slavery

Cult of misery

Cult of shame

Cult of despair

Cult of wretchedness

Cult of silence

cult of fear

cult of the blind leader

cult of the blind idiot pastor

Cult of the Joker

Cult of the machine

Cult of no mercy

Cult of no peace

Cult of guilt

Cult of proven falsehood

Cult of "I'm afraid of my own pastor."

Cult of don't talk bad about my pastor

Cult of the abusive pastor

Cult of the tired workers

Cult of the "we don't get married" in this Church

Cult of the abandoned pastor's wife

Cult of my pastor is seeing a young woman, less than half his age!

My pastor said it was okay to hang out with him in his dark room.

My pastor is 78 years old and some think he's questionable, but I'm 18 and I trust him.

Why do old men like to hang out with the clueless?

Do you know any 18 year olds who are afraid of anything?

How did we end up in The Cult of Stewart pompous Traill?

Cobu is The house that Stewart pompous Traill built, and then denied that he had anything to do with it.

For a man with such a high level of self-pride, he sure has a talent for dumping the credit of his own creation on everyone else!

Get smart quit COBU.

Get smart escape COBU.

Get smart ST is a slime boss.

Get smart cause ST is a slum Lord.

Get smart because ST makes me bored.

Get smart or you'll spend years trying to hide a yawn.

Get smart or you'll spend your days sitting on Stewart Traill's lawn.

Get smart ST is sneaking into your bedroom!

Get smart RUN!

Get smart ST always has an excuse for being creepy!

Get smart ST likes to give spankings!

Get smart don't let ST find you!

Get smart don't get caught!

Get smart it might save your sanity!

Get smart Cobu is insanity!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about your needs!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about the quality of your life!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about the peace of your mind!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about the peace of your heart!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about your actual salvation!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about you accomplishing your own goals!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about your interests!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about following your own dreams!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but his own agendas!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but his own needs!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but his own interests!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but how you can bless him!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but himself!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but working you over to do his bidding!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but sitting on his butt while you take care of him!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but making you feel obligated to him!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but twisting the scripture to meet his needs!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but what he can get out of you!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but making you the object of his intentions!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but keeping his kingdom in tact!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but his excessive lifestyle!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but how to get you to pay for his luxuries!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but keeping his obsessions at hand!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but relaxing in the confidence that you'll do whatever he expects you to!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but making sure you serve him with a smile on your face!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but the concerns of his own twisted heart!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but the concerns of his own twisted mind!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about anything but keeping you busy doing for him!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about being godly!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about being kind!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about the quality of your life!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being arrogant!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being oppressive!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being abusive!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being insulting!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being offensive!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being derogatory!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being irritating!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being rude!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being dishonorable!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being discourteous!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being disheartening!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being disreputable!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being destructive!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being discouraging!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being discusting!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being insensitive!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being uncaring!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being unfeeling, unless he's feeling for you!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of your needs!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of your interests!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of your future!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of what matters to you!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of anything you care about!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of anyone elses concerns but his own!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful of anyone!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being respectful, period!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being cruel!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being rediculous!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being insistant!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's being obligatory!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to himself!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to accomodate him!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to see things his way!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to cross your conscience!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to do his bidding!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to be as unscrupulous as he is!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to be as unethical as he is!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to his corruption!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about whether or not he's binding you to acting dishonorably!

Get smart ST doesn't give a lik about his behavior at all!

Get smart ST doesn't care!

Get smart ST isn't in the caring business!

Get smart ST is just out for himself!

Get smart ST makes his behavior plain for all to see!

Get smart you're awake!

Get smart he's a fake!

Get smart he's a snake!

Get smart he can't control you if you walk away!

Get smart he can't control you if you realize that you're just volunteering!

Get smart he can't control you if you STOP volunteering!

Get smart he can't control you if you exercise your own FREE WILL!

Get smart he can't control you if you realize you have a God-given free will!

Get smart he can't control you if you're not there!

Get smart he can't control you if you just stop listening to his droning voice!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that you've had enough!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that you're life isn't his to control!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with your welfare!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with your Christianity!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with your peace of mind!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with your happiness!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with your best interests!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with your hopes and dreams!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with the plans God has for you!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with what really matters to you!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide that his plans have nothing to do with what God had in mind for you!

Get smart he can't control you if you just decide not to let him!

Get smart you're stronger than you think!

Get smart the power of God can set you free!

Get smart it's good to face your fears and move on!

Get smart if what you're living is hopeless just get out!

Get smart if the channel you've been tuning into is upsetting just turn the channel!

Get smart you have the power to take control of your destiny!

Get smart you have the power to take control of your own life!

Get smart you have the power to take control of your own future!

Get smart you have the power to take control of what God has given just to you! Yourself!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power God gave you!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to make your own decisions!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to make up your own mind!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to chose the things that make for peace!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to listen to your own conscience!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what is questionable!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what is a hopeless existance!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what is exasperating!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your strength!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your energy!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your considerations!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your God-given right to chose not to participate in!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your time!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your days!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your nights!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is a waste of your life!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that you're interested in anyway!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even resembles a godly lifestyle!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that you even signed up for!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even remotely reflects your hearts true intentions!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even remotely reflects your hearts true interests!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even remotely reflects your hearts true desires!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even remotely reflects your hearts true beliefs!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even remotely reflects your hearts true obligations!

Get smart and don't let Stewart Traill rob you of the power to walk away from what you've finally realized is not something that even remotely reflects your hearts true expectations!

Get smart it's not too late!

Get smart and live for what really matters!

Get smart and let go of what hasn't worked for a very long time!

Get smart and let something besides "what Stewart Traill expects" lead you!

Get smart just quit!

Get smart just leave!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's pawns!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's lackeys!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's providers!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's yes men!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's yes women!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's gofers!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's supporters!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's minions!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's mindless followers!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's amusements!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's temporary arm candies!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people to stress!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people to oppress!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people to verbally undress!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people to mislead!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people to deceive!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people to unnerve!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he refuses to serve!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he refuses to bless!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he refuses to extend what is theirs by right!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's defrauded!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's swindled!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's taken advantage of!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's misinformed of his true intentions!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's expected much of and given little to!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's acted "like the great man" before, and yet hasn't been great at all!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's cheated and taught to cheat others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's oppressed and taught you to oppress others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's disgraced and taught you to disgrace others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's deceived and taught you to deceive others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's irritated and taught you to irritate others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's provoked and taught you to provoke others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's used and taught you to use others!

Get smart and stop being one of Stewart Traill's people that he's debated with and taught you to debate with others!

Get smart he don't care!

Get smart look at all the other wasted lives!

Get smart don't listen to him!

Get smart don't listen to the voice of oppression!

Get smart don't listen to the expectations of a tyrant!

Get smart just get out!

Get smart and if you already left but are still oppressed seek God!

Get smart your mind depends upon it.

Get smart Cobu's all screwed up.

Get smart Stew is screwed up!

Get smart and open your eyes! Please!

Get smart stop listening to ST the punk bully.

Get smart kick the habit of sucking up to Traill.

Get smart all were dunked into Stew!

Get smart there's no blessing for you!

Get smart there's no blessing from Stew!

Get smart Stew don't care about you!

Get smart Stew is all about Stew!

Get smart Stew don't work with the crew!

Get smart or they'll spend your earnings on Stew!

Get smart or no one will marry you!

Get smart the church is not right.

Get smart Stew has no light.

Get smart staying in Cobu ain't bright!

Get smart Stewart Traill hates if anyone needs to take a break.

Get smart Stewart Traill feels entitled to everyones attention!

Get smart leave this looney bin.

Get smart use the smarts you learned as a child, and don't follow those who are shallow.

Get smart stop supporting the jerk who doesn't even know your name!

Get smart Stewart Traill said that "God HID grace from him for 23 years!

Get smart Cobu has no grace!

Get smart no grace, no peace, no happy heart, no happy face!

Get smart wake up and smell the coffee.

Get smart learn how to get free from an obnoxious conman.

Get smart open your eyes and see the light.

Get smart Stew is godless.

Get smart if you really look than you'll really see!

Get smart if you read about godliness you won't see Stew.

Get smart and seek the Lord who cares about you.

Get smart the oil of gladness is not in Cobu.

Get smart the joy of the Lord has not been seen there.

Get smart they don't even date!

Women are saved through bearing children! (1 Ti 2:15)

COBU: No marriage! No children! No salvation!

Get smart learn from those who traveled this road.

Get smart don't get stuck in the thick!

Get smart and reevaluate.

Get smart, don't you know when you've been robbed!?

Get smart don't listen to a crazy man!

Get smart don't listen to a joker.

Get smart don't listen to a fool.

Get smart don't listen to a liar.

Get smart don't listen to a jerk.

Get smart don't listen to a scoffer.

Get smart don't listen to a pervert.

Get smart remember what your mama done told you!

Get smart quit the COBU.

Get smart you don't have to stay in the dark.

Get smart wake up from COBU.

Get smart don't sit in darkness.

Get smart Stew hides everything under the rug.

Get smart Stewart Traill doesn't care about you.

Get smart Traill is a con artist.

Get smart or you'll be conned out of hope!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of peace!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of joy!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of comfort!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the grace of God!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the desires of your own heart!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the love of your life!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to date!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to marry!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to have children!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to have a family of your own!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to seek the God of the Bible!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to know your true worth!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to worship God in peace!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to have peace of mind!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to choose the blessings of peace!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of the freedom to know what is right for you!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of ALL that is good and right and true!

Get smart or you'll be conned out of knowing how very much God truly loves you!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will con you out of the life that God wants for you!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe what is false!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe a lie!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you're "not good enough!"

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you're "not worthy of God's love!"

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you're "too dumb to know what you should do!"

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you should keep following everything he says!"

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you shouldn't trust your own thoughts!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you shouldn't trust your own heart!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you can't trust yourself or anyone else!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you need him to lead your life!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you're not zealous enough to have a life!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you're not good enough to have a wife!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that you're not good enough to be blessed by God!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of life's good things!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of life's pleasures!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of life's riches!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of life's blessings!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your earnings!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your praise!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your adoration!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your time!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your attention!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your strength!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your talents!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your devotion!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your day to day thoughts!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your considerations!

Get smart or Stewart Traill will make you believe that he's the only one worthy of your life!

Get smart and see that Stewart Traill is a fraud.

Get smart and know that Stewart doesn't have a clue!

Get smart stop defending the creep.

Get smart Stew is laughing at you.

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that "the jokes on you!"

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of what else he can get you to do!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how much money he can get from you!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking one more way to get to you!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how much he's already gotten over on you!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how he can keep on laughing at you!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how he can make you think pleasing him is pleasing to you!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of one more way to make use of you!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how he can keep you under his feet!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how he can make you feel like a creep!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of how he can keep making you feel cheap!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of ways to satisfy whatever he wants!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of ways to make you feel small!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of deceiving young girls!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of making you think "he's all that!"

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking of making you feel "like you're hooked on him!"

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that he's the best drug in town!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that he's the only one worthy of a crown!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that he's the only one worthy of your praise!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that everyone wants what he can give!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that without him you can't even live!

Get smart cause Traill's always thinking that he's what can charm you!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get lost in the sauce!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but pain!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but shame!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but a feeling of being disallusioned!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but a feeling that you missed out on living your own life!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but a feeling of emptiness because he's taken everything!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but an empty feeling deep inside, cause he just didn't really care after all!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the peace of God and just got Traill's ideas instead!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the joys of really walking by faith!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the loving kindness of your heavenly father!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the joys of having a healthy relationship with someone your own age!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the plans God actually had for you! Plans for your own welfare!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the goodness of your own life!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the things that make for peace and mutual upbuilding!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the things that are good and right and true!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the things that are just and blessed and lovely!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of being in wholesome relationships!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of being able to think freely!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of being comforted by the great love of God!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of being embraced by the strength of God's love!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of being able to walk by your own faith instead of by his plans!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of following your own heart!

Get smart cause when you're addicted to Traill you get nothing but the realization that you missed out on the blessings of having God lift you out of the stresses of this life!

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to stress you out!

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to rob your blessings!

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to steal your youth since his is already gone and he doesn't care about taking yours!

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to steal your money cause he's just a thief!

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to steal your hope cause his way's hopeless.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to steal your peace cause he don't have none.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to steal your faith in God cause he just wants you to put your faith in him.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to make you feel uncomfortable cause then you're more manuverable.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to make you feel uncomfortable cause then he can blame you for not being "faithful" to his make-believe world.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to make you feel uncomfortable cause then he can manipulate you easier.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to make you feel uncomfortable cause then he can suggest ways only he can "put you at ease."

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to make you feel uncomfortable cause then he can get you to doubt your own convictions.

Get smart cause Stewart Traill is only thinking of more ways to make you feel uncomfortable cause then he can suggest that only he can lead you into his idea of "what is right."

Get smart Traill's a joker, but when you get caught in his snare, it ain't no joke!

Get smart and come to your senses.

Get smart and live your own life.

Get smart and have your own life!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he's stollen the life out of many who went before you!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because his life is the only one that matters to him!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone a good life!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the blessings of peace!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the joy of the Holy Spirit of God!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of the joys of life!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of the blessings that God wants for you!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of the desires of your own heart!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of becoming happily married!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of becoming a good mother!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of becoming a good father!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of starting your own family!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of a Stewart-free life!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of not being oppressed by all of his expectations!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of being stress free!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of occupying your own life in the comfort of God's loving kindness.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about granting anyone the realization of humbling yourself before God instead of bowing down to his interests.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about the grace of God!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about who Jesus is!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about counting others better than himself!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about humility!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about not insisting on his own way!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about not boasting about "himself"

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about not taking credit for all the things that others have done for him!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about not taking advantage of you!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about providing for his own household!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about owning up to the double standards he lives by!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know the first thing about expecting from you what he doesn't expect from himself!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know that whatever he does to the least of these, he does also to God!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't know that God shows no partiality, so he shouldn't either!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't do what is right!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he isn't a good example!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he isn't a kind person!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he has led many astray!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he has no scruples!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he does unscrupulous things!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he doesn't have any good intentions!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he's intent on getting you to do his will!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he has no problem lying to get over on you!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone to agree with his ideas!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone to sing his praises!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone to make decisions that benefit him and no one else.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question him

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why!

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why they are so willing to give him all of their devotion.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why they are so willing to volunteer their whole lives to his interests.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why they are so willing to volunteer their whole lives to his demands.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why they are so willing to volunteer their whole lives to his oppressive expectations.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why they are so willing to volunteer their whole lives to his every whim.

Get smart and leave Stewart Traill because he is good at getting everyone not to question why they are so willing to volunteer their whole lives to his unscrupulous and questionable ways!

Get smart break the ties that bind.

Get smart and stop being a victim.

Get smart ST is a phony.

COBU is a hopeless place.

They check out but never leave.

I left the cult but the damage stings on.

Cult of insanity.

I left the cult but I kept the pain.

I left the cult but it did not leave me.

I got out but it would not go.

Check out but just do not leave.

Get smart do not go back.

Get sane leave Stewart to satisfy his own gravy train.

We all really know who's to blame.

Quit the madness, quit the COBU.

Get smart Stewart Traill is kinky.

Get saved from a life of low level drudgery, yeah that's Traill's Cobu!

Got smart and kicked Stewart Traill's ideas out of my wife.

Get smart and kick the Stewart Traill habbit.

He asked, "Why do think evil?" We replied, "Why do you do it!?"

Don't be a dummy Stewart was in it for the money.

Got wise Stewart lies.

Don't be a sheep avoid the creep.

Worthless fellow, Make him mad and he bellows.

Gave years only got this button.

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to make us pay!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to knock down the ones who filled up the fellowship!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to knock down the brothers who were getting too much appreciation!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to knock down the brothers who had everyone's respect!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to knock down the brothers who he built up, just so that he could knock them down!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to control our money!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to get some honey!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to start "Sister's Meetings" that HE attended!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to check out the young girls!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to to bring all those pretty young things to NY City from out in the centers!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to meet with us all the time! What a drag!

The Manhattan Training Center > Stewart's way to oppress all us up close and personal!

Church of fears it appears.

Church of bust

Church of crime

Church of no blessing

Church of hopelessness.

The Church of come into the my dark room.

The Church of come into my darkness.

The Church of dirty little secrets, and a bunch of big blunders.

The Church of what is done in the dark stays in the dark.

Stew: the bold faced liar.

The house of empty hearts.

The Church with no heart.

Cobu was cool until we went to the school!

Cobu was cool until we were subjected to Stew!

Cobu was a blast until we were forced to sit for hours with Stew!

COBU where only the brothers aren't invited to the pool party!

COBU where only Stew gets to judge the bikini contest!

COBU hocus-pocus.

COBU the place where you can never drink, but you're always drunk.

COBU the place where you want to drink but you're always accused of whining.

COBU the place with no happy ending.

COBU the house of surprise! Surprise!

Hold on! Cobu has more prizes! And not the ones you wanted!

Hold on! Stewart Traill had more prizes! And they weren't the ones you were hoping for!

Hold on! What a surprize! How did you get in my bedroom!?

Hold on! Hold on! Why are you installing an extra door to our room!?

Hey Stew, I was sleeping, why are you in here creeping!?

Get Smart now you have a way out!

The church that thought it had it all, but really didn't.

Don't be alone in the dark room.

Don't get stuck in the dark room.

The Church that took everything.

It was really Stewart Tanner Traill who stole our time, our money, and our souls!

Get smart break free

COBU where there's no trace of grace.

Stew threw mud in our eyes.

Don't Get Fooled!

Get smart run for the hills

Get smart Jesus loves you.

Get smart find hope.

Get smart if you want to be free of the voice of Stewart Traill God has a plan of escape!

Get smart if you want to be free from the grip of Stewart Traill's ungodly expectations God wants to grant you that relief!

Get smart if you want to be free from the grip of always trying to question yourself!

Get smart if you want to be free from the grip of always questioning your own intentions!

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have that overwhelming feeling that you're still not good enough?

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have that overwhelming feeling that you're still not faithful enough?

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have that overwhelming feeling that you're still not strong enough?

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have that overwhelming feeling that you're still not zealous enough?

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have that overwhelming feeling that you're still not thin enough?

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have that overwhelming feeling that you're still not enough?

Get smart what would it feel like if you didn't have those nagging feelings of not knowing what's really right?

Get smart what would it feel like if you weren't walking around under a dark little cloud?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were free from all the drawbacks that you experienced in Cobu?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were free from all the harsh feelings associated with the time that you spent listening to Stewart Traill's unending expectations?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were free from all the residual negative thoughts that seem to bump into you when you least expect it?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were free from all the curses that Stewart Traill alluded to while you were in Cobu and still seem to come to mind and bring you down?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were free from all the ways that you felt robbed of your youth?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the hurts that you felt and still feel from time to time?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the regrets of submitting to someone who claimed to be "a man of God" but was really just a tyrrant out for himself?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the despair of following someone who you trusted your youth to?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who just didn't give a damn about anyone but himself?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who kept you from pursuing the things that mattered to you?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who just wiped you out emotionally?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who continually put you down for doing the things that he told you were right?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who prated on and on about more obligations to his personal interests?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who was robbing you of your youth?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who was robbing you of the money you earned?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who was robbing everyone around you too?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with Christianity at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with Godliness at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with righteousness at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with bearing anyones burdens at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with being a deciple of Jesus at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with the rights of the poor at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who missed the grace of God for years, just missed Jesus?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with your best interests at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with what you signed up for at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who had nothing to do with Godly enlightenment at all?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who will be judged for every careless word he uttered?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who will be judged for every selfish act he put forth?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who will be judged for every heartless expectation?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who will be judged for every deception that he expressed?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who will be judged for every cruel expression that you were subjected to?

Get smart what would it feel like if you were finally really free from all the memories of sitting for hours on the floor in front of someone who will be judged for every vile act that he performed?

Get smart what would it feel like if your heart was filled with joy?

Get smart what would it feel like if your heart was filled with peace?

Get smart what would it feel like if your heart was filled with the unquestioning grace of God?

Get smart what would it feel like if your heart was lifted up?

Get smart what would it feel like if your heart was blessed with God's acceptance?

Get smart what would it feel like if you had God's approval?